
I was a little late in getting around to see the movie “Moneyball,” but I finally saw it a few weeks ago. I enjoyed it quite a bit. Not only is it a well-done film, but it’s even more enjoyable if you are a baseball fan as I am. I’ve often wondered why the “moneyball” seems to work so well for baseball. But this article points to the fact that the method can work in all sports on some level. The article comments on the recent Jeremy Lin phenomenon. Lin was a tremendous player at Harvard, but that’s not quite the same as being a tremendous player at Kentucky. Lin was released by two NBA teams before signing with the Knicks. Even with the Knicks, he was a barely-played bench warmer. Then, injuries forced him into the spotlight. Now, he’s a media sensation. Tom Brady is another great example. He’s a guy who doesn’t have eye-popping stats. But Brady had the determination to become one of the best quarterbacks in NFL history. 

The author of the article points out that part of the problem is only valuing certain qualities and not looking at the bigger picture. As an entrepreneur, this is something that is so important to keep in mind. Sometimes, it’s easy to become narrow-minded and only look at something from a given angle. But it’s important as an entrepreneur to constantly ask questions, try to look at things from every possible angle, and try to see new ways of looking at something. In the movie “Moneyball,” Oakland A’s GM Billy Beane (played by Brad Pitt) risked his job by taking on a new way of evaluating talent. In the end, the model proved to be highly successful, even though he challenged baseball scouts’ way of evaluating talent that had dominated the game for many decades. Beane kept his mind open to new ideas and tried to look at every possible angle to put out a winning team. Those who want to be successful would do well to follow the Moneyball way. 

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